Die Suche ergab 19 Treffer

von whomper
15.11.2024 07:01
Forum: Fujinet
Thema: FujiNet - es mag mich nicht
Antworten: 20
Zugriffe: 909

Re: FujiNet - es mag mich nicht

Hallo, ich habe den Fujinet Prof und bin ein wenig verärgert über sein SIO-Bus-Verhalten (ich wünschte, ich hätte die Standard-Version gekauft, aber die Box mit dem Logo hat mich einfach angezogen ...). Trotzdem nutze ich es hauptsächlich, um meinen Quellcode auszudrucken, in PDFs umzuwandeln, damit...
von whomper
10.11.2024 15:48
Forum: Hardware
Thema: Einbau SpectreAV
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 367

Re: Einbau SpectreAV

I have a SpectreAV in my 1200XL and had faint jail lines on screen, could not figure out why. There are almost no guides on SpectreAV installation. When I looked in the UAV documentation, it was suggested to disconnect C103 & C104, that are related to the video outputs to the 5 DIN. Removing tho...
von whomper
10.11.2024 09:47
Forum: Programmierung
Thema: Assembler MAC/65 Verständnisfrage
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 456

Re: Assembler MAC/65 Comprehension Question

I'm developing in Mac65 and instructions require 2 spaces while labels just one.
von whomper
06.11.2024 17:30
Forum: Marktplatz
Thema: Looking for 6502C Sally
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 194

Re: Looking for 6502C Sally

Erhard hat geschrieben:
06.11.2024 13:24
What country do you live in?

I'll be in Berlin beginning of December so can get it there. Sending you a private message.
von whomper
06.11.2024 13:04
Forum: Marktplatz
Thema: Looking for 6502C Sally
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 194

Looking for 6502C Sally


I'm looking to purchase a 6502 Sally CPU as the one I got in my 1200XL has problems.
If someone has spares or knows where I can purchase them.

Thank you
von whomper
27.10.2024 16:13
Forum: Marktplatz
Thema: Erledigt: Suche: Netzteil für Atari 1027
Antworten: 13
Zugriffe: 609

Re: Suche: Netzteil für Atari 1027

Yup, only 110v but once I get the letters band printed, I'll connect with a 110->220 converter and try to use the printer.
von whomper
27.10.2024 07:57
Forum: Marktplatz
Thema: Erledigt: Suche: Netzteil für Atari 1027
Antworten: 13
Zugriffe: 609

Re: Suche: Netzteil für Atari 1027

I have (I seems like) an original PSU for my recently bought 1027 and it is 9V AC w/ 40VA which is similar to the 1050 one.
von whomper
26.10.2024 16:54
Forum: Marktplatz
Thema: Erledigt: Suche: Netzteil für Atari 1027
Antworten: 13
Zugriffe: 609

Re: Search: Power supply for Atari 1027

Thanks for the info. I plan to order a few as well to fix my 1027.
Please update how it works.
von whomper
26.10.2024 16:52
Forum: Treffen und Ausstellungen
Thema: 2024-10-26: JHV in Herten
Antworten: 114
Zugriffe: 11726

Re: 2024-10-26: JHV in Herten


It was my first online meeting and it went very well! Content was just right, no technical problems and I could participate from afar.

Maybe sometime I'll be able to join in person.
von whomper
20.10.2024 18:04
Forum: Marktplatz
Thema: 1200XL MMU
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 387

Re: 1200XL MMU


Sending you a private message, thanks!
von whomper
20.10.2024 16:39
Forum: Marktplatz
Thema: 1200XL MMU
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 387

1200XL MMU


I'm looking for a 1200XL MMU CO60609 or a GAL version of it if someone can program it.

von whomper
20.10.2024 10:49
Forum: Marktplatz
Thema: Erledigt: CX85 externe 10er Tastatur
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 380

Re: CX85 externe 10er Tastatur

I am interested, have sent a private message.

von whomper
16.08.2024 21:44
Forum: Hardware
Thema: 1027 replacement rubber
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 489

1027 replacement rubber


I have recently purchased an Atari 1027 and am need of a replacement rubber.
As shipping from the German manufacturer is quit high, I'm wondering if there is someone with spares I can purchase from
von whomper
13.07.2024 11:21
Forum: Marktplatz
Thema: Erledigt: Sammelbestellung 600XL Remake Platine und Bauteile
Antworten: 369
Zugriffe: 59641

Re: Sammelbestellung 600XL Remake Platine und Bauteile

Mein Paket ist gestern bei meiner Familie angekommen.
Vielen Dank für ein tolles Projekt.
von whomper
20.06.2024 14:51
Forum: Hardware
Thema: Speedy SIO Commands
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 511

Re: Speedy SIO Commands

There is a manual for Speedy extension with all the Speedy commands. Also in the Altirra Hardware Manual, there are a lot of informations about the various implementation of SIO commands. Do you happen to have a link to the manual? The Altria doc is wonderful, thanks for pointing it out, it has ton...
von whomper
20.06.2024 12:21
Forum: Hardware
Thema: Speedy SIO Commands
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 511

Re: Speedy SIO Commands

After some searching, I landed on this list https://www.atarimax.com/jindroush.atar ... p1050.html
It outlines all common 1050 extensions and their SIO commands, it might benefit others.
von whomper
20.06.2024 08:30
Forum: Hardware
Thema: Speedy SIO Commands
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 511

Speedy SIO Commands

Hello, I am working on a DOS menu program in assembly to basically continue a work a started when I was just a kid learning to program my Atari :-) Now that I'm coding the format function, I need more control over density types and options and need to use SIO instead of the more limiting CIO (it is ...
von whomper
20.02.2024 17:09
Forum: Hardware
Thema: Hilfe bei meinem Atari 800XL
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 857

Re: Hilfe bei meinem Atari 800XL

I can highly recommend the Retrotink 2x Pro: https://www.retrotink.com/product-page/retrotink-2x-pro It is not cheap, but the results are very good with almost no lag. There is an interesting thread on AtariAge: https://forums.atariage.com/topic/305213-retrotink-2x-pro-fantastic/ Thanks for the poi...
von whomper
19.02.2024 22:02
Forum: Hardware
Thema: Hilfe bei meinem Atari 800XL
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 857

Hilfe bei meinem Atari 800XL

Hi, I have been recently returning to my A8 days with a 800XL, 1010 & 1050 setup. I'm now in the cleaning phase of what I have bought and am looking at best options to connect the 800XL to a screen. I have also purchased a Spectre AV for an S-Video alongside composite if needed. Will be connecti...