Die Suche ergab 7 Treffer

von darwinmac
15.04.2023 04:01
Forum: Software
Thema: MuffinTerm nun mit ATASCII Terminal
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 1321

Re: MuffinTerm nun mit ATASCII Terminal

MuffinTerm is also available for iOS if you have an iPhone.

Bob C
von darwinmac
08.11.2022 18:35
Forum: Gaming
Thema: Zum Download: Der Schränker / Der Schränker 2
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 3183

Re: Zum Download: Der Schränker / Der Schränker 2

I was able to download the files and see the webpages now. Thank you for providing the files for non-members to download.

While I am an ABBUC member, I wait until the games are publicly available before providing them to the Atari user group that I belong to in the US.

Bob C
von darwinmac
08.11.2022 18:03
Forum: Gaming
Thema: Zum Download: Der Schränker / Der Schränker 2
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 3183

Re: Zum Download: Der Schränker / Der Schränker 2

Kveldulfur hat geschrieben:
08.11.2022 13:49

Ich habe einmal auf die Schnelle eine Möglichkeit zum Download meiner beiden Spiele geschaffen. :mrgreen:

Hier geht es zum Der Schränker
und hier zum Der Schränker 2

Viel Spaß
Has anyone been able to download the files from these websites? I just see a blank page.

Bob C
von darwinmac
18.10.2022 22:26
Forum: Gaming
Thema: Short review of 2022 ABBUC entries
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 3337

Re: Short review of 2022 ABBUC entries


Thank you so much for the German translation. I will try to not be as verbose when writing here in the future. I could have tried to use Deepl, but I do not trust any automated translation tool when I do not know the language.

Bob C
von darwinmac
18.10.2022 22:24
Forum: Gaming
Thema: Short review of 2022 ABBUC entries
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 3337

Re: Short review of 2022 ABBUC entries

Well, in order to save the DOC files (e.g. diskside B) as ATASCII onto diskette do the following: 1) boot a DOS 2.x of your choice (there is no DOS on diskside B) 2) manually load the DOC file you want with LOA or option "L" binary load from DOS 3) insert a new (empty/formatted) DOS 2.x d...
von darwinmac
18.10.2022 07:02
Forum: Gaming
Thema: Short review of 2022 ABBUC entries
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 3337

Short review of 2022 ABBUC entries

I previously posted this on AtariAge, but I wanted to post it here for any developers who do not use AtariAge. My apologies for posting in English. I do not know German. Unrelated to the individual games, I would be interested in how I can use the Ctrl-S option on the documentation screen to save th...
von darwinmac
19.09.2021 02:48
Forum: Software
Thema: ABBUC Softwarewettbewerb 2021
Antworten: 43
Zugriffe: 28887

Re: ABBUC Softwarewettbewerb 2021

Thank you for posting the images. I have started playing the games that are in the contest.

Bob C