Wanted to share a project I've been working on for some time now and have placed it on GitHub.com, its called EDOS.
I have started this project in 1985 on my then 600XL. At school I had a special notebook where I used to write Assembly code during classes and it is then when I started to write EDOS as a learning experience. I did about 10% and left it be for ~40 years.
I've had this notebook (my lucky notebook that is always in my work bag today) from that point and never did anything with the code inside, until a year ago when I purchased my new Atari setup. I decided to revive the project and make it what I had dreamed about.
EDOS is a menu based DOS that has traditional commands as well as missing ones such as sector copier, memory display and leveraging drive fast io without underlying DOS support etc (it is partially a DUP, but I tried to use write my own code directly to core SIO and CIO). It was written in MAC/65.
The project is built from the following files:
- EDOS.M65 - The main application codebase
- EDOSVARS.M65 - Main application variables and string constants
- UTILS.M65 - A set of general purpose utilities that can be used in other projects
- MACROS.M65 - A set of general purpose Mac/65 macros to simplify development
- SYSTEM.M65 - System wide constants and defaults
Here the link to the project page on GitHub.com https://github.com/whomper/EDOS and I'll appreciate your thoughts and comments. Feel free to leverage the code and binary and update me on any bugs found. Full project description can be found in the readme project section.
I'm hopeful you will find value in the project code as well as the final binary.