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VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 31.08.2021 06:56
von Sleeπ
VIAtronics - non commercial, easy and cheap interface which can print on any EPSON/IBM standard based printer.

Beitrag zum Hardwarewettbewerb 2021

von pancio

Inspiration for this mode was nightly discussion with some friends and request to make device which will be capable to connect ant EPSON/IBM printer to Atari. We had MicroPrint on the market in the past but nowadays it’s rather not possible to find it and use with any printer. In case I developed VIAtronics – it’s combination of VIAtari (presented years ago) and Centronics (actually only cable from it). Idea is very simple: connect VIAtronics to CART/ECI with cable LPT (DB25) -Centronics (C36) and any printer which can emulated EPSON or IBM codes.

PCB based on standard CART/ECI slot contains VIA6522 two 8-bits parallel ports with control signals. Additional IC 74HCT138 is use as address decoder. All required by printer signals are connected to DB25 female port. On the PCB you may find selector for device address which can be selected from $D100-$D1E0 or $D500-$D5E0 with $20 step.Additional four pin header are connected to PA/PB/CA/CB signals and might be use for other task depend of your idea :-)If you are using cartridge e.g. Koala Illustrator or some text editor, you may use it together with VIAtronics but you need to check addresses used by cartridge to avoid conflict with VIAtronics.Project is made as Free Hardware - full documentation will be available on my page:


At this moment I use very simple program written in Turbo Basic XL which can send text/graphics to printer from memory. This is nothing spectacularly and anybody might write “driver” for any printer if you have instruction with steering codes. I checked EPSON standard on Star LC-20 whichwas very popular in ‘80-’90 last century...

prog2.png (8.86 KiB) 13303 mal betrachtet

P. S.
I might say you some interesting information regarding software... Some very interesting program will be released soon... see:

It’s developed by my colleague Atari Fan and should support both Micro Print and VIAtronics interfaces for graphics printing.

(5.09 MiB) 164-mal heruntergeladen

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 31.08.2021 19:22
von pancio
Today I received PCBs... I will assembly first piece today or tomorrow. I hope no issue on that!

Newest version of User Manual:
User Manual
(5.09 MiB) 173-mal heruntergeladen

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 01.09.2021 20:59
von pancio
Good Evening,

I did it. First PCB was assembled...
...and I found one issue with ports description:
it hasn't influence on parallel port and will be corrected with new PCBs order.

Well, time to print.... (t.b.c.)

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 02.09.2021 00:37
von Mathy
Hello pancio

Does the VIAtronics v.1.0 have a printer buffer?



Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 02.09.2021 07:50
von pancio

VIAtronics in complete dummy device. Data to print (e.g. character code, byte for graphics, command code) should be written to PA - in case called data register. PB is using as control register and covering all printer signals e.g. /STROBE or /BUSY. So, during print, Atari sending data to VIAtronics all the time...


Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 02.09.2021 13:31
von Mathy
Hello pancio

That's a pitty. Printer buffers don't have to be smart as far as I know. Other wise, nice device.



Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 02.09.2021 14:17
von pancio
Hi Mathy,

There is designed as Centronics and for any other user experiments so it should be simplest :-). I've plan to add buffer dedicated only for printers maybe next major release.



Newest version of User Manual:
(3.06 MiB) 172-mal heruntergeladen

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 02.09.2021 15:21
von Mathy
Hello pancio

pancio hat geschrieben:
02.09.2021 14:17
I've plan to add buffer dedicated only for printers maybe next major release.
Sounds good.
BTW is the Centronics one-directional, as in "for printers only" or is it bi-directional?



Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 02.09.2021 19:14
von pancio
This one is bi-directional :-)

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 03.09.2021 01:16
von Mathy
Hello pancio

pancio hat geschrieben:
02.09.2021 19:14
This one is bi-directional :-)

Now all I need is to find a webcam that has a Centronics interface and somebody who can rewrite a piece of software for the Lionel Richie computer into Atari Assembler. :mrgreen:



Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 03.09.2021 17:15
von pancio
Actually it's possible to grab video directly by this interface.... thanks for good idea! :-) I'll try to do it!

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 05.09.2021 02:20
von JAC!
Very nice and clean design with good configuration options. I first thought it was a PBI device (which I always wanted to do back then), that contains the driver. Good to see the cartridge port is exported.

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 05.09.2021 13:31
von Sleeπ
Noch ein Nachtrag: Die aktuelle Version ist auf den XE zugeschnitten. Pancio plant auch eine XL-Version: "I planed to build version for XL and XE using Cart only."

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 07.09.2021 09:59
von pancio
JAC! hat geschrieben:
05.09.2021 02:20
Very nice and clean design with good configuration options. I first thought it was a PBI device (which I always wanted to do back then), that contains the driver. Good to see the cartridge port is exported.
Thanks for interesting. On the beginning I planned to add ECI port as well but regarding lack of time (ABBUC deadline for competition ). I drop this idea because PCB must be rebuild. After some discussion with colleagues we're planning to use full pass-through CART/ECI and probably in vertical orientation. It will be very helpfully for other existing interfaces and avoiding any mechanical conflict. I'll update any interested in on this topic soon :-) Version for PBI is possible too but A800XL hasn't power on edge, so additional source for 5V is necessary (e.g. from joystick port) but we will see.

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 07.09.2021 14:47
von Mathy
Hello pancio

If you add a wire to power the PCB via the joystick port, please attach it in such a way that the wire can be removed and added easily. Adding power to the PBI of the 800XL is easy. If somebody does so, (s)he might not want the wire hanging from the PCB. But there's always a chance that you'd want to use the PCB with an 800XL that isn't upgraded (+5VDC added), in which case it would be nice if adding the wire back in would be plug and play.



Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 07.09.2021 22:54
von nortobor
isr ja eine interessante Entwicklung, bisher nur alles engl.
Mich würde ja weniger der Centronic-Anschluss interessiren (Gib es ja im ABBUC-Shop über SIO) ,sondern eher die Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten über den VIA 6522.
Wie kann man den verwenden----- kann man ein ev. vohandenen EPROM ausschalten um den VIA frei zu verwenden? oder liege ich da völlig falsch ? :shock:

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 08.09.2021 01:39
von Mathy
Hallo Ralf

Die Centronics-Schnittstelle an der VIAtronics V1.0. ist bi-directional. Man kann also nicht nur schreiben, wie bei allen bisherigen Centronics-Schnittstellen für den Atari, sondern auch lesen. Und das ist neu (für den Atari 8 bit Rechner).

Wahrscheinlich schreibt pancio in Englisch weil er kein Deutsch schreiben kann. Da währe es ziemlich unproduktiv um Fragen zu stellen auf Deutsch.

Aber Ich werde gleich mal auf Englisch fragen ob pancio mehr kan sagen zur VIA.



PS Ich sehe auf der Platine nur die VIA (der große eckige Chip) und den genannten 74HCT138 (der rechteckige Tausendfüßler). Kein ((E)P)ROM.

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 08.09.2021 01:40
von Mathy
Hello pancio

Nortobor would like to know more about how the VIA can be used.



Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 08.09.2021 07:04
von pancio
nortobor hat geschrieben:
07.09.2021 22:54
isr ja eine interessante Entwicklung, bisher nur alles engl.
Mich würde ja weniger der Centronic-Anschluss interessiren (Gib es ja im ABBUC-Shop über SIO) ,sondern eher die Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten über den VIA 6522.
Wie kann man den verwenden----- kann man ein ev. vohandenen EPROM ausschalten um den VIA frei zu verwenden? oder liege ich da völlig falsch ? :shock:
Hi nortobor,

I translated your question, hope I understood good :-). VIAtronics is only codename for this interface but actually it's independent device which can be using not only for printing. VIA is connected directly to CPU bus using a few bytes from addresses area (can be changed by jumpers). Of course you may switch off EEPROM but I don't see any reason why? There is no conflict between cartridge and VIA if cartridge was designed with proper address decoder.. if not you may use different based on D1XX address. Moreover, as Mathy said, there is no EEPROM on the PCB, so anything what you plan to do with VIAtronics you should do by hand e.g. read data from ports is similar to read data from joystick ports - only register's addresses are different. Regarding examples... on my page you may find VIAtari (based on the same idea) which can be use with GLCD screen.


Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 08.09.2021 12:01
von nortobor
Vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort :)

Thanks for the quick reply

übers. mit Deepl

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 10.09.2021 10:23
von pancio
Hello, today I almost finished CART version for XE without ECI and for XL. Differences between CART/ECI version:
- lack of signals /IRQ and /RESET
- only D5XX addresses might be use.

I decided to leave CART slot but probably for XL models it will be little difficult to use it :-)

If any doubts or advices, please let me know :-)

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 10.09.2021 13:14
von JAC!
I think a regular PBI version would be the best fit for the XL. No limitations and right position. For the TurboFreezer, we had created a "gender changer" so, the actual PBI board was the same.

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 10.09.2021 13:43
von pancio

You have totally right but... CART version is cheapest, ready to use with all Atari 8 computers and is designed rather for print only (of course is possible to use signals thru DB25 with other stuff than printer).
PBI version (with gender charger) will be probably the best option and I planned to do it soon. Could you please advise me where I may find correct gender charger? It will speed up working on PBI version...

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 11.09.2021 03:05
von JAC!
This is how it looks. A board with XE on one and XL on the other side. The actual board is plugged in there with a standard connector.

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 11.09.2021 17:44
von pancio
Very practical and good design for both kind of edges... As I understand, we need female - female slot in order to connect it to A800XL? Is this PCB available to buy or gerbers to make it own hands?

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 25.09.2021 22:17
von pancio
Has anyone footprint (module) for ECI (or CART/ECI) slot for KiCAD? I need it for newest VIAtrocics version with CART/ECI passtrue.

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 05.10.2021 10:29
von pancio
Hi Guys,

Today I received PCBs for CART version of VIAtronics:
VIAtari CART version PCB
VIAtari CART version PCB
I'll try to assembly it immediately and confirm work as ECI version soon :-) (I hope).

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 06.10.2021 19:56
von pancio
It's work! :-)


Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 22.10.2021 12:47
von pancio
Hi Guys,

A few days ago I prepared little bit another version of Centronics for Atari. It's based on most popular, still available peripheral IC: 8255. It's more cheaper than VIA and very similar, so I propose to use it as alternative. Now I'm during tests. Software depends a few cosmetic changes, like set registers only. Rest procedures for printing will be the same...
Major differences in comparison with VIAtronics:
- 3 eight bit Input/Output ports,
- full CART/ECI pastrue
- configurable Centronics pins

I'll add full documentation to my page soon.

Have FUN!

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 16.11.2021 21:39
von pancio
According to someone needs, full pass thru version VIAtronics with vertical PCB was designed. I'm waiting for prototype to confirm it's working too as whole family.
It should be ready to test at the end of November.

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 01.01.2022 22:46
von pancio
Hi Guys,

Happy New Year!

I added all materials related to VIAtronics to my page. If any question, please let me know. ... 8&p=69#p69


Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 02.01.2022 02:03
von Mathy
Hello pancio

On that website you say: "The old software that allows printing on 8bit Atari computers does not support the VIAtronics interface for apparent reasons: the interface did not exist during their creation."

The 850 interface loads its drivers when the computer is switched on. The drivers are in the ROM inside the 850. Would it be possible to enhance your hardware so it too can load their own drivers into the Atari? (Well, maybe not all drivers, but at least the P: driver) So that "old" software would work with your hardware?



Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 02.01.2022 12:29
von pancio
Hi Mathy,

We are considering to use NevDev service to do that but it's possible only for ECI or PBI equipped Atari. The difference between 850 and VIAtronics is how data are transmitted to printer (serial vs. parallel). Atari hasn't handler to use parallel transmission... so we needs to swap ROM with P: driver. There is complicated for CART only version but not impossible...

I suppose, the 850 has something like virtual FDD with required driver and software and Atari can use it on demand. VIAtronics is dummy device, without dedicated drivers but we are working ( especially AtariFan, for separately and inserted to EPPROM on VIAtronics board. But I'm not so good programmer so it may takes some time :-). If anyone may help, I can prepare and send hardware for him to improve work progress...


Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 04.03.2022 15:38
von pancio
I would like to introduce new feature which is possible with VIAtronics. It's high speed parallel2serial interface based on FTDI FT245 chip and can provide data to/from ATARI with 1Mb/s speed. I did a few tests and results are very interesting. At this moment i wrote simple driver which is presents only transfer to or from PC and Atari but my colleague Lizard working on driver for SpartaDosX. I hope, it will be independent, more powerful interface than based on SIO port. Development version based on VIAtronics v. 2.0 but it's possible to use it with any version (e.g. CART version using DB25 male plug). Code name for assembled device is FTisXE. Take rest and keep your fingers crossed for the quick completion of the project :-)

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 04.03.2022 16:16
von andymanone
Well done! Great work 8-) !


Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 06.03.2022 10:20
von JAC!
In case you find a reasonable way to communicate with the FTDI chip from the PC side, I'd be very interested. I'm still looking for a way to communicate directly with it from my Java based programs (e.g. The!Cart Studio).

Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 06.03.2022 11:06
von pancio

Could you please to say more? Maybe it's time to use your software directly with my interface? :-)

Let's contact closer to cooperate!


Re: VIAtronics v.1.0

Verfasst: 13.03.2022 21:38
von pancio

Today I made some test with FT245 connected between Atari and PC on CART/ECI. I wrote simple terminal app (just for tests) and check transfers.. You may see result in short attached movies.
