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ABBUC Downloads

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die neue Oberfläche von Tom Hunt
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RespeQt is a SIO-Emulator for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It actually is an experimental fork of AspeQt, so I wont copy&paste the hints and tricks I already gave in the AspeQt section below.
You can download the sources from the following location at GitHub: The program is published under the terms of the GPL (you might want to download the GPL there, because my .tar.gz-files don't contain it).
Sources from older RespeQt (previous/equal to version 5.1) can be found here: and here:

As RespeQt is initiated by the Forum-Members of AtariAge, you can join their discussion there:


These packages contain ready-to-run-binaries. No compiling is needed. It is built on debian 9, but it should be able to run on any Intel-based Linux PC that has the QT5-framework installed. Extract the package into a folder of your choice, e.g. ~/Applications/RespeQt/. There are additional QT5-packages needed. If it happens not to work, you can test for additionally needed packages using the following command: ldd RespeQt | grep -i "not found".
Small hint: on a fresh install of Elementary OS 5.1 (based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS), I had to type sudo apt install libqt5serialport5 libqt5printsupport5.
To install the missing packages on a fresh installation of Fedora 36 (Beta in my case as time of writing), I had to type sudo dnf install qt5-qtsvg qt5-qtserialport.
As mentioned later in the AspeQt area, type sudo usermod -aG dialout $USER to grant access to the serial port (works on all three, debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, but you need to log-out / log-in).

RespeQt 5.4

The newest additions to my builds of RespeQt include the 5.4.0 H.A.T.Z. Edition, aswell as the former RC4 (see hidden chapture) Linux-Package; meant to run on debian 9, 10, and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS:
Neither the 5.4 H.A.T.Z. Edition, nor the RC4 have been tested by me. See for more information (german only).

RespeQt 5.4RC4

The newest additions to my builds of RespeQt include the 5.4.0RC5, aswell as the 5.4 H.A.T.Z. Edition (see below) Linux-Package; meant to run on debian 9, 10, and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS:

RespeQt 5.3

Part of my new build-setup, here is RespeQt 5.3 as a complete Linux-Package; meant to run on debian 9, 10, and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS:


This is the currently available master release 5.3. It is built from the master-branch of I built this on debian 9, both 32 and 64 bit. It should(!) run on debian 9, debian 10, and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.


This is the currently available development release 5.3. It is built from the development-branch of I built this on debian 9, both 32 and 64 bit. It should(!) run on debian 9, debian 10, and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.


This version of RespeQt is going to be the upcoming release 5.3. It is built from the development-branch of

RespeQt 5.2

Unfortunatelly, we experience some issues with SIO-operations on this version's Linux build. The developers are about to fix this and make it work as it did before. I personally recomment to stick with R5.1, or w/e earier version works for you.

Linux 64 Bit: RespeQt_5.2_Ubuntu_18.04_x86_64.tar.xz RespeQt 5.2 for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 64 Bit ... SIO not tested yet, not testet for really all functions (small hint: on a fresh install of Elementary OS 5.1 (based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS), I had to type sudo apt install libqt5serialport5 libqt5printsupport5 and as mentionel later sudo usermod -aG dialout $USER)
Linux 64 Bit: RespeQt_5.2_debian_10_x86_64.tar.xz RespeQt 5.2 for Debian 10 64 Bit ... SIO tested, not testet for really all functions
Linux 32 Bit: RespeQt_5.2_debian_10_x86.tar.xz RespeQt 5.2 for Debian 10 32 Bit ... SIO tested, not testet for really all functions
Linux 32 Bit: RespeQt_5.2_debian_9_x86.tar.xz RespeQt 5.2 for Debian 9 32 Bit ... SIO tested, not testet for really all functions
Please, additionally install libqt5serialport5 (as root apt install libqt5serialport5) to make this executable work!

RespeQt 5.1

Linux 64 Bit: RespeQt_5.1_Ubuntu_18.04_x86_64.tar.xz RespeQt 5.1 for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 64 Bit ... SIO not tested yet, not testet for really all functions
Linux 64 Bit: RespeQt_5.1_debian_10_x86_64.tar.xz RespeQt 5.1 for Debian 10 64 Bit ... SIO tested, not testet for really all functions
Linux 32 Bit: RespeQt_5.1_debian_10_x86.tar.xz RespeQt 5.1 for Debian 10 32 Bit ... SIO tested, not testet for really all functions
Linux 32 Bit: RespeQt_5.1_debian_9_x86.tar.xz RespeQt 5.1 for Debian 9 32 Bit ... SIO tested, not testet for really all functions
Please, additionally install libqt5serialport5 (as root apt install libqt5serialport5) to make this executable work!

Short note: this package is almost identical to the Windows Package provided on AtariAge; I just swapped the binary-files (RespeQt/RespeQt) and added the main-icon/ folder from the source-code-package.

Here is how I built it on my debian systems:
su -c "apt install qt5-qmake libqt5serialport5-dev libqt5svg5-dev libcups2-dev qtcreator qt5-default"
Then open the file in QTCreator. Configure the project (just read the manual/steps ... idk for sure what this all means and why I had to do this separately from the developer).
Choose "Release" as a kit (Top-Menu > Build > Choose Kit for building ...).
Build the project (Top-Menu > Build all).
You should find an executable binary in the parent-folder of the project (../build-respeqt-Desktop-Release).
Additionally, I mixed it all up with the stuff I found in the Windows-Build of RespeQt 5.1 as released on AtariAge.


Linux 64 Bit: RespeQt_R4_Ubuntu_16.04_LTS_x86_64.tar.xz RespeQt R4 for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64 Bit ... not tested yet
Linux 64 Bit: RespeQt_R4_debian_9.0_x86_64.tar.xz RespeQt R4 for debian 9 ("Stretch") 64 Bit ... not tested yet ...
Linux 64 Bit: RespeQt_R4_QT5static_Ubuntu_14.04_LTS_x86_64.tar.xz RespeQt R4 for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64 Bit ... not tested yet ...
Linux 64 Bit: RespeQt_R4_deepin_15.4_x86_64.tar.xz RespeQt R4 for deepin 15.4 64 Bit ... not tested yet ...
Please, additionally install libqt5serialport5 (as root apt install libqt5serialport5) to make this executable work!


Linux 64 Bit: RespeQt_R3_debian_8.2_x86_64.tar.xz RespeQt R3 for debian 64 Bit ... not tested yet ...

Linux 32 Bit: RespeQt_R3_debian_8.2_x86.tar.xz is the 32 bit build of RespeQt R3, runs well on Debian 10 Buster 32 Bit

Debian Wheezy 32 Bit (static): RespeQt_R3_QT5static_debian7_x86.tar.gz for use with Linux distributions which do not provide QT5 in their repositories, e.g. Debian Wheezy.
As I do not use any 64 Bit Wheezy installation at the moment, there wont be any 64-Bit build of this in the near future.

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 Bit (static): RespeQt_R3_QT5static_Ubuntu_12.04LTS_x86_64.tar.gz for use with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (a.k.a. Xubuntu 12.04 LTS)

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64 Bit (static): RespeQt_R3_QT5static_Ubuntu_14.04LTS_x84_64.tar.gz for use with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (a.k.a. Ubuntu MATE 14.04 LTS)

R2 notes

RespeQt R2 is a so called Release. Other than my previous build, R2 has been built from officially released source-code, rather than from a random GIT-snapshot. Read more about R2 here:
For legal reasons, my binary archives do not contain any boot images of copyrighted software/abadonware by Atari, such as DOS2. You can get these Boot-images from the original source, which can be found in the source-archive under the README in the link above.
Experimental *.deb-packages may be following later.

Linux 64 Bit: RespeQt_R2_debian_8.2_x86_64.tar.xz RespeQt R2 for debian 64 Bit ... nothing tested yet, but build on the same machine and environtment as the following ...

Linux 32 Bit: RespeQt_R2_debian_8.2_x86.tar.xz is the 32 bit build of the very same project files ... still nothing tested, except if it runs at all ...

  • libqt5network5 (was libqt4-network in QT 4.8)
  • libqt5core5a (was libqtcore4 in QT 4.6 and QT 4.8)
  • libqt5widgets5 (was libqtgui4 in QT 4.6 and QT 4.8)
  • libqt5printsupport5 (wasn't needed in AspeQt for QT 4.6 and QT 4.8)

To install this in debian or Ubuntu, simply enter the following command to a terminal:
Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libqt5network5 libqt5core5a libqt5widgets5 libqt5printsupport5
debian: su -c "apt-get install libqt5network5 libqt5core5a libqt5widgets5 libqt5printsupport5" (with quotes)
and don't forget to add yourself to the group of dialout-users, to make RespeQt able to access the serial port:
Ubuntu: sudo usermod -aG dialout $USER.
Debian: su -c "usermod -aG dialout {username}" (with qoutes, replace {username} with your username).

Debian Wheezy 32 Bit (static): RespeQt_R2_QT5static_debian7_x86.tar.gz for use with Linux distributions which do not provide QT5 in their repositories, e.g. Debian Wheezy (successfully tested).
As I do not use any 64 Bit Wheezy installation at the moment, there wont be any 64-Bit build of this in the near future.

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 Bit (static): RespeQt_R2_QT5static_Ubuntu1204LTS_x86_64.tar.gz for use with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (a.k.a. elementaroy OS Luna 0.2)

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64 Bit (static): RespeQt_R2_QT5static_Ubuntu1404LTS_x86_64.tar.gz for use with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (a.k.a. elementaroy OS freya 0.3.2)

I didn't test for any additional packages necessary as I don't have setup a fresh and clean OS for testing things like that.
As RespeQt depends on the newer QT5 toolkit, it is like impossible for me to build RespeQt for Wheezy. This may change in the future as the developers are going to port it back to QT4.8.

If you like to LOL, you can use my handmade, Lintian-violating packages. I'm sorry, but the only so-so valid packages I've ever made yet were done using debian-provided source-packages, but never homebrew projects like RespeQt or AspeQt.
At least it cares for the necessary QT5-libs to be installed automaticly, and it places an icon in the accessories' menu.
Download these debs here:


This is the todo list for my build of RespeQt:

  • build static against QT5 to make RespeQt work on Wheezy (oldstable)
  • build RespeQt on Jessie 32 Bit done!
  • wait for RespeQt backported to QT4 (which actually is part of the developer's TODO list)


AspeQt is the original SIO-Emulator for Windows, Linux und Mac OS X, RespeQt is forked from. Since it is outdated, it also can be called RespeQt's predecessor. But it is still usefull as real Atari hardware will work with it also in the distant future and while it builds on older technology it runs on older operating systems too.
You can download the sources from The program is published under the terms of the GPL (see source packages for details!!).

Althrough, most versions say, SIO is not tested, it should work. Actually, I tested, if the program runs (the GUI starts, the serial port has been accessed), and there is no reason why SIO shouldn't work at all.

Recommented build: AspeQt_0.8.8_debian_7_Wheezy_x86.tar.gz AspeQt 0.8.8 for Linux ... built with debian 7 RC, SIO tested ... not tested for the packages really neccessary to run the program (see text below)

Recommented for 64 bit Linux: AspeQt_0.8.8_debian_7_Wheezy_x86_64.tar.gz AspeQt 0.8.8 for Linux 64 Bit ... built with debian 7 RC, 64 Bit, SIO tested

These builds made in debian are also supposed to work in other distributions like Fedora (tested) and (hopefully) all others too. This will requiere some QT-packages (see the text below), but it should run on any x86 and x86_64 based Linux-Distribution.

On a newly installed debian 6.0.5 system, install the following packages to run the program: libqtgui4, libqtcore4, libaudio2. Choosing libqtgui4 (e.g. with aptitude) also selects some other packages, which all can be unselected until these three packages are left marked for installing. AspeQt 0.8.8 (and further) additionally needs libqt4-network.
All depencies should be met then.

Sometimes it happens, that AspeQt reports an error "Cannot open serial port '/dev/ttyS0': No Permissions." (or similar). In this case, you have to add yourself to the dialout-group (sudo usermod -aG dialout $USER in Ubuntu or as root using the command usermod -aG dialout {username} in debian). Then logout and log back in.

Older downloads

Latest build for use with debian 6/Ubuntu 10.04 LTS: AspeQt_0.8.7_debian_32Bit.tar.gz AspeQt 0.8.7 for Linux ... built with debian 6.0.6, SIO tested ... not tested for the packages really neccessary to run the program (see text below)

Latest build for use with debian 6/Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64 Bit: AspeQt_0.8.7_debian_64bit.tar.gz AspeQt 0.8.7 for Linux 64 Bit ... built with debian 6.0.6, 64 Bit, SIO tested

AspeQt_0.8.6_debian_32Bit.tar.gz AspeQt 0.8.6 for Linux ... built with debian 6.0.6, SIO tested ... not tested for the packages really neccessary to run the program (see text below)

AspeQt_0.8.6_debian_64bit.tar.gz AspeQt 0.8.6 for Linux 64 Bit ... built with debian 6.0.6, 64 Bit, SIO tested

AspeQt 0.8.3 debian 6 x86.tar.gz AspeQt 0.8.3 for Linux ... built with debian 6.0.5, SIO untested ... not tested for the packages really neccessary to run the program

AspeQt 0.8.3 debian 6 x86_64.tar.gz AspeQt 0.8.3 for Linux 64 Bit ... built with debian 6 64 Bit, SIO untested yet

AspeQt 0.8.3 debian 7 x86_64.tar.gz AspeQt 0.8.3 for Linux 64 Bit ... built with debian 7 Testing 64 Bit, SIO tested (works with Fedora 17 64 Bit)

AspeQt 0.8.3 Ubuntu 10.10 x86.tar.gz AspeQt 0.8.3 for Linux ... built with Ubuntu 10.10, SIO tested (works in Ubuntu 10.10 and Fedora 17 32 Bit) ... not tested for the packages really neccessary to run the program

AspeQt 0.8.3 Ubuntu 10.10 Intel Atom.tar.gz AspeQt 0.8.3 for Linux ... built with Ubuntu 10.10 using an Intel Atom 32 Bit, SIO untested (yet) ... not tested for the packages really neccessary to run the program

AspeQt 0.8.3 Ubuntu 10.10 i486.tar.gz AspeQt 0.8.3 for Linux ... built with Ubuntu 10.10 and -march=i486 -mtune=i486 compiler arguments, SIO untested ... not tested for the packages really neccessary to run the program, not tested if the program runs on actual 486 or 586 hardware

aspeqt 0.8.1 Mac OS X AspeQt 0.8.1 for Mac OS X ... built with Mac OS X Lion, SIO untested

AspeQt 0.8.2 AspeQt 0.8.2 for Windows wrapped into Wineskin for Mac OS X ... SIO untested

AspeQt 0.8.2 Ubuntu 12.04 x86.tar.gz AspeQt 0.8.2 for Linux ... built with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, SIO tested ... not tested for the packages really neccessary to run the program

AspeQt 0.8.2 debian 6.0.5 x86.tar.gz AspeQt 0.8.2 for Linux ... built with debian 6.0.5, SIO tested (works in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS)

AspeQt 0.8.2 debian 7 x86_64.tar.gz AspeQt 0.8.2 for Linux 64 Bit ... built with debian 7 Testing 64 Bit, SIO not tested

Xara Xtreme

This is Xara Xtreme for Linux ( as an AppImage created on an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64 Bit installation from its Debian-Packages and several files from the actual installation.
Download the experimental package for using in Debian 9 Stretch 32 Bit here: Xara_x86.AppImage.tar.xz
Download the experimental package for using in Debian 9 Stretch 64 Bit here: Xara_x86_64.AppImage.tar.xz
Download the older package for testing purposes here: Xara_x86_64.AppImage.tar
"Testing Purposes" means that I don't use the software myself, so I don't know if its workflow is the same as on an actual Ubuntu 14.04 LTS installation. But it starts and seems to run fine on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and Debian 8. It doesn't seem to import SVG files, but may be I do it the wrong way ... who knows?
The App itself is distributed under the terms of the GPL (
You get the sources here:

Another AppImage of this program can be found here: This might be a more professionally built package, I didn't test it yet, but who needs SVG-import might be take a look at it.
At least on my computer this does not work at all (debian wheezy). May be it works on Ubuntu.

Atari800 5.0.0 for Mac OS X / OS X / macOS

My Mac OS X builds of Atari800 5.0.0 can be found here: