29 bis 30 Juni 2024 : Shadow Party FRANCE

Moderator: Mathy

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Registriert: 19.08.2021 09:00
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29 bis 30 Juni 2024 : Shadow Party FRANCE

Beitrag von Lastic »

Auf den GEMTOS bin ich eingeladen gewurden fur diese Party.

Muss mahl sehn ob ich mitt die Zuge biss dort gehen kann.

Givry-en-Argonne, Marne, Grand Est, France


Eine Party mitt BBQ und Compos

Oldschool demo

Any console prior to 2005 and computer prior to 1995 are considered oldschool
The demo must work on the real hardware
Any additional real hardware can be used as long as it can be emulated (for example, 512k extension on AMIGA 500)
Maximum duration: 8 minutes
Maximum size: 2 media of the original machine (for example: 2 floppy disks on AMIGA, 2 faces of one disk on CPC)
Please provide instructions on how to run your demo on the compo machine (or emulator)
Please provide a video capture (720p or 1080p) of the demo

Sticker compo

The sticker must relate to the demoparty theme. For example: demoscene, retrocomputing, numerical art or any other related demoscene subject.
You must provide a photography of your sticker and still own the original.
Maximal size must be specified (for ex, 20x20 cm).
Image format: png, jpg, raw.
The competition is opened to any demoparty participant (even visitors).
1 entry per participant.
Send your entry by email to callisto.

Newschool Demo

Maximum duration: 8 minutes
Please provide a video capture (720p or 1080p) of the demo

Oldschool Graphics

Accepted file format: PNG or executable binary
Maximum resolution and color depth: 320x256 /32 colors
Include at least 3 work in progress steps, together with the final version

Newschool Graphics

Render, scan or photo of hand painted or procedural material only
Accepted file formats: PNG, JPEG, or executable binary
Include at least 3 work in progress steps, together with the final version
Quality settings: Baseline Standard instead of Optimized or Progressive, and sRGB color profile
Maximum file size: 20MiB

Textmode Graphics

Text based artwork
You must use any "build-in" standard charset
Custom charsets not allowed
Mandatory informations: target hardware, display software, charset, font

Music Streamed

Required format: OGG or MP3
Maximum playing time: 3:30, longer songs will be faded out start 3:30
Playback with current Winamp 5.x version

Music Tracked

Required format: (XM / MOD or Arkostracker)
Maximum playing time: 3:30, longer songs will be faded out start 3:30
Must be 100% Fasttracker-compatible or Arkostracker, the compo will play the music inside the tracker
Exotic format others than xm/mod are allowed if you can give a player/tracker that can display the track's content during replay


Allowed retouching is limited to filtering, coloring grading, cropping, stitching, etc
Collages or photomontages are not accepted and can be submitted to the Wild compo instead
Include the original photo if the entry is retouched
Accepted file formats: PNG or JPEG
Quality settings: Baseline Standard instead of Optimized or Progressive, and sRGB color profile
Maximum file size: 20MiB.


Platform: any
Maximum duration: 8mn
Please provide a video (720p or 1080p) of the production

Fantasy Console

Platform: any fantasy console
Maximum size: 256 bytes
Please provide a video (720p or 1080p) of the production
The Cellar BBS telnet thecell.ar : 1040



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