DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

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DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von andymanone »

Heute wurde von Bertrand (aka ScreamingAtTheRadio) sein Beitrag für den AHC 2023 eingereicht:

Hier stellt Bertrand sein eigenes Projekt kurz selbst vor:

# DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition

I'd like to submit this new design for your consideration in the 2023 hardware competition.

The DecentXL keyboard is a drop-in replacement keyboard for Atari 600XL and 800XL computers.
It is designed for people who need to replace a broken keyboard, or want to upgrade to a modern mechanical keyboard.

The new keyboards exist in two versions:
1. The modern layout that you see in the photo above is entirely new and does not require a donor keyboard. The layout features a narrower space bar, leaving space for a control key to the left and a break key to the right. It has a convenient oversized ISO return key and a wide backspace. Finally, caps is at the same spot as on a PC keyboard, above left shift.
2. The vintage layout requires a donor keyboard, of which it re-uses the caps. It is visually indistinguishable from the original keyboard once assembled.

Both versions feature adjustable backlighting:

This is a high-quality, hand-assembled made-to-order keyboard:
• Can be built with any MX-compatible switches for the modern version, Kailh Choc v2 switches or Matias Alps-compatible switches for the vintage version
• Anti-ghosting diode on each switch
• An aluminium plate rigidifies the assembly and keeps switches perfectly aligned
• 3D-printed brackets solidly mount the keyboard to the XL top case
• A custom flexible PCB connects the keyboard to the motherboard


## Video
I made a 5 minute video presenting the keyboard:

## Summary
Type of device: keyboard
Purpose: drop-in replacement
Compatible with devices: Atari 600XL, Atari 800XL
Available connectors: connects into the original 24 pin connector on the motherboard through a flexible PCB, or the connector can be replaced with a soldered adapter and a standard FFC 26 pin 1mm pitch cable.
Power supply: none needed, provided as part of the standard pinout of the motherboard's keyboard connector.
Current consumption: depending on brightness setting, 0 to ~100mA.

## Notes:
The photos are from my first prototype of the modern version (v1.0), and the final product may differ in a number of ways.
For instance, the blank right shift is an error from our key cap provider, not a deliberate design choice. The final product has a legend on all caps.
The fabrication files submitted for the contest are version 1.1, integrating all modifications I had to make on the prototype.
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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von Philsan »

Very good project.
It would be nice if version #1 could have Atari logo key like Atari 800 instead of inverse one.
Original Atari logo not Infogrames era "belly" logo.
Atari Scene News by Philsan: Mastodon Twitter
Atari 8-bit computers (since 2008 the source of Italian language manuals, books, magazines and software)

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von CharlieChaplin »

... and version 3 with special characters printed on the keys. Kind of a sacrilege, since only the XE keyboard had those, but still...

But I guess these keyboards will NOT be cheap. Maybe Abbuc can arrange a bigger order after the contest ?!?

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von patjomki »

CharlieChaplin hat geschrieben:
30.07.2023 16:16
... and version 3 with special characters printed on the keys. Kind of a sacrilege, since only the XE keyboard had those, but still...

But I guess these keyboards will NOT be cheap. Maybe Abbuc can arrange a bigger order after the contest ?!?
Das wäre super. Ich hatte mir seinerzeit dafür Aufkleber von Irgendwer geholt, die sehen schon super aus, aber bedruckt wäre natürlich noch einen Hauch professioneller. Das mit der Beleuchtung ist auch super, endlich auch ohne Schreibtischlampe tippen. Frage von der 130XE-Vaiante: Ist die Beleuchtung wahlweise auch komplett abschaltbar?

Dieser Beitrag zum Hardwarewettbewerb ist auf jeden Fall sehr toll, wird spannend dieses Mal mit den eingereichten Beiträgen.

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von wosch »

Das wäre ne super Tastatur für ein PlexiLaser-Gehäuse-XL.
Mal schaun was das Ding kostet.

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von Emwee »

Ohja, ans Plexilaser-Gehäuse dachte ich auch gerade…

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von ScreamingAtTheRadio »

Philsan hat geschrieben:
30.07.2023 16:01
Very good project.
It would be nice if version #1 could have Atari logo key like Atari 800 instead of inverse one.
Original Atari logo not Infogrames era "belly" logo.
Thanks. Yes, the key cap sets contain several additional keys that you can choose from. One of them is the Fuji logo:
Zuletzt geändert von ScreamingAtTheRadio am 30.07.2023 22:46, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von ScreamingAtTheRadio »

patjomki hat geschrieben:
30.07.2023 17:14
Frage von der 130XE-Vaiante: Ist die Beleuchtung wahlweise auch komplett abschaltbar?
Yes, the backlighting is completely optional, you can choose not to assemble the luminosity pot, in which case you'll have no lighting, or you can set the pot to the minimum level. You could even wire a switch to turn it on or off...

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von pancio »


Great project! I'm first to but one or two pieces! Do you plan to make XE version? Could you please say what kind of LED diode are you using.. and is possible to use WS2812B? :-)

Best Regards,
A.B.B.U.C. Member #319

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von andymanone »

pancio hat geschrieben:
30.07.2023 21:19

Great project! I'm first to but one or two pieces! Do you plan to make XE version? Could you please say what kind of LED diode are you using.. and is possible to use WS2812B? :-)

Best Regards,
XE Version also exist, check here:


Ressortleiter Hardware - Save the past and use the future!© andYManOne / Demozoo / ATARI Custom Chips wieder vereinzelt - auf Anfrage - verfügbar / A brand new track Im Schatten der Maschinen from the upcoming album “The Shrine of Unspoken Words”

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von patjomki »

ScreamingAtTheRadio hat geschrieben:
30.07.2023 21:10
Yes, the backlighting is completely optional, you can choose not to assemble the luminosity pot, in which case you'll have no lighting, or you can set the pot to the minimum level. You could even wire a switch to turn it on or off...
Thanks for the reply. Great to read that lighting is optional. Think I am going to need a switch then (although I hate switches in the case of my XL) because at daytime I don't need the lighting while at nighttime just the other way around.

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von HiassofT »

pancio hat geschrieben:
30.07.2023 21:19
and is possible to use WS2812B? :-)
Hehe, individual software controllable RGB setting of each LED would be a nifty feature :)

so long,


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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von ScreamingAtTheRadio »

pancio hat geschrieben:
30.07.2023 21:19
and is possible to use WS2812B? :-)
HiassofT hat geschrieben:
30.07.2023 22:08
Hehe, individual software controllable RGB setting of each LED would be a nifty feature :)
The LEDs are blue. Addressable RGBs would be a completely different project. Not impossible, but you'd have to build a way to get the Atari to talk serially to the LEDs. It wouldn't be a drop-in, plug and play replacement like this is.

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von CharlieChaplin »

Are the special characters available for the XL keyboard (printed on the keys, similar to the XE version) ?

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von HiassofT »

ScreamingAtTheRadio hat geschrieben:
30.07.2023 22:45
Addressable RGBs would be a completely different project. Not impossible, but you'd have to build a way to get the Atari to talk serially to the LEDs. It wouldn't be a drop-in, plug and play replacement like this is.
My comment wasn't meant too seriously and I certainly don't want to push you into feature-creep with your project - just thinking out loud about future possibility (maybe also for third-party modders).

A rather easy way to interface the LEDs to the Atari would be to use some tiny ARM/Atmel/PIC/... uC (maybe even an 8pin device could do), hook it up to the SIO port (3 pins, Command/RX/TX) and use it as a SIO to SPI/PWM bridge to drive the LEDs.

Direct bit-banging eg by abusing some PIA pin (maybe motor control?) or hooking up a larger uC/CPLD/FPGA with memory mapped access to RGB memory buffers, or SPI/PWM bridges may be possibilities, too, but with probably compatibility issues (abusing stuff isn't great) or more involved HW.

Anyways, I shut up for now, I don't want to derail this thread :)

so long,


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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von ScreamingAtTheRadio »

HiassofT hat geschrieben:
31.07.2023 00:35
My comment wasn't meant too seriously and I certainly don't want to push you into feature-creep with your project - just thinking out loud about future possibility (maybe also for third-party modders).

A rather easy way to interface the LEDs to the Atari would be to use some tiny ARM/Atmel/PIC/... uC (maybe even an 8pin device could do), hook it up to the SIO port (3 pins, Command/RX/TX) and use it as a SIO to SPI/PWM bridge to drive the LEDs.
Yes, that's how I understood it :D Would be a fun experiment to try to use addressable LEDs from inside the case and programmed from the Atari. Those transparent cases would benefit from that quite a bit. Totally different project for another day :D

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von ScreamingAtTheRadio »

CharlieChaplin hat geschrieben:
30.07.2023 22:51
Are the special characters available for the XL keyboard (printed on the keys, similar to the XE version) ?
We wanted to stay close to the original in terms of looks, but I have some ideas.

First, adding the glyphs on top of the keys like we did for the XE version will not look good, as the XL legends are centered and not top-left. Key cap manufacturers won't print on the front of the keys, so that looks like it's not an option either.

My idea is to 3D print a rig where I can drop the caps sideways so their front present relatively aligned on a plane that I can focus my laser engraver on. I should then be able to engrave the front of all keys in one operation. If it works, it would take only a few minutes. Hey, in theory, you could even do that on vintage caps, but for that you'd need to find someone willing to do it :D I for one will only accept to butcher modern key caps that way...

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von ScreamingAtTheRadio »

By the way, I realize I failed to credit XLFreak for his contributions in the main post. Jesse, alias XLFreak, designed the key caps.

This project also found a lot of inspiration from other mechanical keyboard projects, and owes a lot to the feedback that was provided by users of the XE version.

So there, credit where it's due :)

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von JoSch »

Would you consider doing an Atari 400 version?

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von ScreamingAtTheRadio »

JoSch hat geschrieben:
31.07.2023 09:48
Would you consider doing an Atari 400 version?
Yes. I bought a 400 and a 800 for that purpose. Seems like I'll also get a loaner 1200XL at some point so I can make one for that machine as well, and then the whole collection will be covered :)

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von JoSch »

ScreamingAtTheRadio hat geschrieben:
31.07.2023 20:36
JoSch hat geschrieben:
31.07.2023 09:48
Would you consider doing an Atari 400 version?
Yes. I bought a 400 and a 800 for that purpose. Seems like I'll also get a loaner 1200XL at some point so I can make one for that machine as well, and then the whole collection will be covered :)
If you need a tester, PM me ;-)

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von Bunsen »

Das ist ein wundervolles Projekt. :)

Ich habe bereits das DecentXE-Projekt auf AtariAge verfolgt und finde, dass bei einem XE die neuen Tasten noch besser wirken (besser aussehen). Bisher hat mich der recht hohe Preis ($300,- + Versand + Steuer) abgeschreckt. Aber das Verlangen wird stärker :D
Vielleicht verkaufe ich ein paar Sachen bei eBay, um mir das Keyboard leisten zu können...

Bertrand, danke für die Arbeit für die Atari-Gemeinschaft und viel Erfolg beim Wettbewerb!

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von Mathy »

Hallo Leute

Die DecentXL Tastatur ist in der modernen Variante jetzt erhältlich für $310 (Fertig zum Einbauen) oder $250 (als Bausatz). Ohne Porto und Zoll. "Moderne Version" heisst hier "alles Neu". Wer seine alten Tastaturkappen nutzen will, muss sich leider noch etwas gedulden. Und die Tastatur selber zusammenbauen, denn in dieser Version wird es die Tastatur nur als Bausatz geben.

Um Fehler bei der Übersetzung zu vermeiden, werde ich den original Text nicht übersetzen.


Schreibe nicht der Absicht zu, was man mit Dummheit oder Ignoranz erklären kann.

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von Cossi »

Ich wär ja auch interessiert und 300 Euro wären grad so die Schmerzgrenze…schlussendlich werden es aber fast 400+ werden :shock: dazu is die Reise über den Teich auch noch voller gefahren :D


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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von cas »

Wollen wir vielleicht eine Sammelbestellung starten? Spart Porto-Kosten.

Wer hätte (erst einmal unverbindlich) Interesse an einem DecentXL (oder XE)?

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von Cossi »

Ich würde 2 Bausätze nehmen :mrgreen: XL

Muss ich halt wieder mehr Überstunden machen :D

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Re: DecentXL mechanical keyboard for Atari 600/800XL - ABBUC Hardware Competition 2023

Beitrag von BöserWatz »

cas hat geschrieben:
18.01.2024 11:39
Wollen wir vielleicht eine Sammelbestellung starten? Spart Porto-Kosten.

Wer hätte (erst einmal unverbindlich) Interesse an einem DecentXL (oder XE)?
Bin vielleicht schon ein wenig zu spät - aber, ich wäre dabei
8 Bit reichen völlig aus


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