is the PD catalogue backed by a database?

Moderatoren: Rockford, mp-one

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is the PD catalogue backed by a database?

Beitrag von tschak909 »

As the subject says, is the PD catalog PDF generated from a database?

I'm wondering if I could make an example FujiNet program that could search it, and mount the appropriate disk.


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Re: is the PD catalogue backed by a database?

Beitrag von mp-one »

Hi Thom,

the PD library actually is stored and maintained in a database (SQL Server in this case). As for the PDF catalogue, it can be generated directly from the database by SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services). I hope that helps. Let us know what your plans are, maybe we could provide further help.



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Re: is the PD catalogue backed by a database?

Beitrag von 24sumo »

Maybe with this type of software it would be a license problem if a service would provide connecting to this online for everybody, only if a CPU core license exists it would be allowed. Correct me if I'm wrong... Bernhard

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Re: is the PD catalogue backed by a database?

Beitrag von tschak909 »

I could put together a proof of concept, with a CSV of the tables that make up the PD list.

The idea would be to be able to search via:

* Disk Number
* Program Filename
* Program Title
* Description

and find a matching record.

Once found, if the disk is selected (e.g. press START), then the disk is mounted, and the system is rebooted.


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Re: is the PD catalogue backed by a database?

Beitrag von cas »

If the ABBUC PD team is interested, we would be able to move the database online onto one of the ABBUC internet servers (using PostgreSQL or MariaDB/MySQL) and directly link it to the ABBUC fujinet server.

I will talk with the PD team on next weeks JHV (general assembly)

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Re: is the PD catalogue backed by a database?

Beitrag von mp-one »

Hi all,

for security reasons the "production" server cannot be exposed to the public. But there might be other solutions. We could provide a dump (CSV, ...) of the related tables/views. These could be a basis for a database available over the internet (PostgreSQL, MySQL, ...). As cas mentioned we can discuss this at the annual meeting which is held this weekend.

Regards, Michael


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