FujiNet Version: 0.5.cec57d6a

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FujiNet Version: 0.5.cec57d6a

Beitrag von MichaG »

Es gibt ein Firmware-Update unter https://fujinet.online/download

Code: Alles auswählen

FujiNet Version: 0.5.cec57d6a
Version Date/Time: 2021-12-11 17:57:01
Build Date/Time: Mon Dec 13 01:57:05 UTC 2021
Änderungen betreffen die Portierung auf andere Systeme, außerdem wurde Bluetooth deaktiviert. (Hat das tatsächlich mal jemand zum Laufen bekommen?)

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Re: FujiNet Version: 0.5.cec57d6a

Beitrag von tschak909 »

There are also fixes to the N: HTTP protocol adapter.

Bluetooth support will be re-activated once it's figured out how to either decrease IRAM usage (it uses too much of it), or an alternate Bluetooth stack is grafted in which uses less IRAM.


Stefan Both
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Re: FujiNet Version: 0.5.cec57d6a

Beitrag von Stefan Both »

Ich hab Bluetooth bis jetzt nicht zum Laufen gebracht.
Was solls. Das Teil bietet so viele andere Gimmicks, da kommts nicht drauf an. Trotzdem werde ich bis zu einem späteren Release mit dem Update warten.
Et lööpt jo 8-)


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Re: FujiNet Version: 0.5.cec57d6a

Beitrag von tschak909 »

Please update, there are much needed bug-fixes that are happening.

And as for things like Bluetooth being deleted: We were forced to do this after months of punting the issue, because the vendor (Espressif) changed the amount of memory allocated.

I do understand reticence, but we are very good at fixing the things we can, and try to mention the things that we can't control.

Bluetooth (SIO2BT) support was added by Montezuma, and he put tons of effort into making it work, so it hurts my heart that we had to temporarily disable it, so the rest of the stack could build.


Stefan Both
Beiträge: 41
Registriert: 21.08.2021 11:53
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Re: FujiNet Version: 0.5.cec57d6a

Beitrag von Stefan Both »

All right, convinced...

(I really dont mind about BT -or generally- temporarily deactivating of parts of the #Fujinet capabilities - your group is doing a great job. Sooner or later it WILL work.)



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